Same Shit, Different Demagogues: a Tale of Two Rants

In August 2016  Pagan priest and activist Rhyd Wildemuth opened his piece, “Confronting the New Right” with this warning:m

What is the New Right?

The New Right is a Anglo-European intellectual, political, social, and cultural movement gaining influence within Paganism, Polytheism, Heathenism, and the Occult communities. Generally called either ‘proto-fascists’ or ‘crypto-fascists,’ their ideology mirrors many aspects of what we might call ‘traditional’ Fascists, though only a few on the New Right claim that identity.

A year later Vassar Medieval Studies professor and activist Dorothy Kim began “Teaching Medieval Studies in a Time of White Supremacy” thusly:

Today, medievalists have to understand that the public and our students will see us as potential white supremacists or white supremacist sympathizers because we are medievalists. The medieval western European Christian past is being weaponized by white supremacist/white nationalist/KKK/nazi extremist groups who also frequently happen to be college students.

Both Wildemuth and Kim claim “Fascists” and “extremist groups” are engaged in a campaign of infiltration and are latching onto more powerful and more recognized institutions to spread their toxic ideology.  As Kim puts it:

So, this is the question I pose to our community of scholars: “Are you, as medievalists, emboldening white nationalists?” The range of white supremacy and medieval studies’ complicity in it include the following: denying the problem exists (or even that there are medievalists who are white supremacists); labeling the backlash and protestations of medievalists of color as alarmist; imagining there are two sides; deciding that you want to give sympathy to the pain of white supremacists; declaring that medieval spaces (IRL or digital) are above contemporary geopolitics; stating that conversations about white supremacy and race are ancillary and “spam”.

One need not declare support for a White Ethnostate or fly a swastika to be a Medievalist White Supremacist. All it takes is statements like

  • “I’ve never run into any White Supremacists in my class.”
  • “I teach how contemporary geopolitics were shaped by medieval spaces rather than forcing 15th century thought into contemporary definitions of ‘racism’ and ‘Whiteness.” or even
  • I’m more interested in medieval history than neo-Marxist screeds.”

Wildemuth lists multiple Pagan subgroups he considers especially vulnerable to “New Right” infiltration.  He notes “Often times the adoption of these ideas is unconscious, particularly since many advocates of New Right ideology do not present their ideas as part of a political stance. In fact, many ideas are presented as overtly ‘apolitical,’ deriving from common sense, tradition, lore, or the will of the gods.” It’s not enough to castigate bad behavior: we must be ever zealous against thoughtcrime as well.

Desperate times demand desperate measures. Wildemuth recommends we jettison ideas of hierarchy for egalitarianism; of Neo-Tribalism for Interconnection (“we at Gods&Radicals insist on the fact that the dichotomy of who’s in and who’s out is always dangerous”); and of Cultural War for Class War. He offers special caution against those who are actually devoted to their Gods, since “The sacred has long been used by violent people to justify violence, by hateful people to justify hatred, and by authoritarian people to justify authoritarianism.” Meanwhile Kim declares

The whole, “I want to sympathize with white supremacists, we should listen to white supremacists, we should have them in our conference spaces,” is flat out a declaration of white supremacist sympathies at the very least, but really a declaration of your belief in white supremacy and the utter white privilege of medievalists.

Neither Wildemuth nor Kim provide any concrete examples of this clear and ever-present danger. We hear of no cases wherein students of any color, religion, gender or acronym were made uncomfortable by “White Supremacists,” no incidents where a well-meaning coven went White Nationalist after perusing Evola or praying too hard. (Kim provides a link to a Washington Post story about Derek Black, son of Stormfront founder Don Black. But that story talks about how Medieval Studies (among other factors) led Derek to repudiate White Nationalism, not to embrace it).

This technique has a long if not honorable history. The Revolution™ needs True Believers: anybody not wholly committed to The Cause™ is a liability at best and a reactionary at worst. Wildemuth and Kim both call for a purge: they do not wish to argue with their opponents but to silence them. To that end they create a problem then offer a solution targeting anybody who disagrees with them — or whose agreement is insufficiently fervent.  They use real and imaginary crises to target critics and place supporters in key positions. They scream “infiltration!”as they infiltrate your group.  And, as I recently learned, they are willing to go to great lengths to get what they want. 

4 responses to “Same Shit, Different Demagogues: a Tale of Two Rants”

  1. I have read Evola and own copies of his books. You have to have a certain level of maturity and knowledge to understand what he is about. Evola is not simple to dismiss as Fascist. He was anti-Nazi, but did hold to traditional ideas. He was also an occultist as well. His writing is dense, and you need to re-read what he writes to get his meanings. I suspect that some people on the Left throw his name around after “Revolt Against the Modern World.” To form an opinion of him is a thoughtful process. I have problems with him, but I haven’t turned Fascist. Well, maybe by reading this blog and commenting means I am a White Supremacist.

    I would like examples as well. Such as White Supremacists dismiss anti-Jewish bigotry of the Middle Ages as a fairy tale, and students agree with that. So far, most people who study the Middle Ages tackle that bigotry head-on.

    I do see examples of individuals who are called Racists in the Pagan community by Left folks. They generally follow the line that if you advocate against unlimited immigration in the U.S. and Europe by Moslem groups, you are a racist. Again, like Evola, everything seems cut and dried. Again, like Evola, deeper digging needs to be made, and thoughtful analysis needs to be applied. I supposed I will end up on the “Banned Peoples List” for writing here and expressing a grey opinion.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Her first paragraph was enough to make me sick. She’s basically saying learning should be restricted to people on ‘our side’ then encourages teachers to pick a side and then withhold their lessons from the ‘wrong kind’ of person. The way she seemed to be saying that trying to understand and make peace with racists is somehow wrong is patently juvenile, revealing her belief that people can be “the bad guys”, dehumanizing them, and justifying reprehensible behavior.
    Why do people thing the way to eliminate racism and hate is not to do battle with other people, but to understand their position and feelings, discover what lead them that way and then use education to stop that ignorance from spreading.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] I noted in “Same Shit, Different Demagogues,” purges are aimed not only at dissenters but at those whose support is something less than […]


  4. […] challenge our beliefs and prejudices, any efforts to deconstruct or challenge that theory is “flat out a declaration of white supremacist sympathies at the very least, but really a declaration o….” In a saner time I would have been a gadfly like Jimmy Breslin or Nat Hentoff. Today I can […]


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