The Jewish Question 1a: Letters to, from and about the Hebrews

In response to our first installment in this series, Bob Bacon commented:

ROFL. So you have a <K] ike professor telling you “NO NO CHRISTIANITY IS GOOD, blame ROME,” because now they’re worried about ANGRY WHITE CRACKERS going back to more powerful white pagan religions, and kicking their <K] asses out for good.

Mr. Bacon appears to have misunderstood this essay with remarkable thoroughness. On the off chance others have followed his lead I will try to clarify.

Dr. Cohen is indeed both Jewish and a Professor of Judaic and Religious Studies (the only thing Bacon got right).  But he wasn’t blaming Rome, or even SHOUTING about it. Cohen claimed Constantine was profoundly influenced by Jewish political history and that influence bled over into post-Constantinian Christianity.  I (who am neither Jewish nor employed in academia) disagree. I feel that Christianity was more influenced by Roman history and that the Christianity that swept Europa was Greco-Roman, not Semitic.  To see what I mean compare and contrast Christianity with a truly Semitic faith, Islam.

Instead of worrying about Semitic influences on Christianity, I am more concerned with Greco-Roman influences on Heathen “Lore.” Sturluson’s Eddas were a conscious effort to give Scandinavia its own Iliad and Aeneid.  Snorri compiled near-forgotten myths and old poems, but modeled them on Classical sources. (Though there is some question as to how deeply Snorri was influenced by the Medieval Latin world).  In recreating the faith of our ancestors we may have better luck turning to archaeological or other sources. That may teach us the folly of using “Holy Books” to “reconstruct” practices never involved sacred literature.

I’m an angry White cracker who went back to more powerful European Pagan traditions a long time ago: I’m also initiated in a prominent African Diaspora tradition.  I’m not worried about my co-ethnics (or anyone else) following my lead.  Hel, I’m happy to see Polytheism breaking out in Monotheist-held space pretty much anywhere. So while I’m glad Bob is enjoying my writing, I can only hope that in the future he does a better job of understanding it.

All this evokes an earlier conversation over on my earlier post on  “Healthy Racial Preferences.” There my old friend M.G., who self-identifies as “nominally Jewish, although I have no connection to religious Judaism and practice what could be called a polytheistic spirituality” noted (correctly) that the alternative right is less welcoming to Jews than the Left.  As he put it:

I have had leftists angrily hurl the word “Zionist” like an epithet at me when they heard me espouse opinions on the Arab-Israel conflict which would be considered moderate in most contexts but which differ from their own. I have never had anyone on the left hurl a slur at me simply on learning of my ancestry without me voicing actual opinions, or felt like my like my presence was suspect in progressive circles simply because of my genetic lineage. (And honestly, I’d worry about both being issues in any personal interaction I’d have with a huge percentage of the alt-right, something you acknowledge in your essay.) I suspect the same is true for most Whites who have had negative experiences with the activist left ; one could fairly accuse a segment of progressives of shrillness and humorous groupthink on the subjects of race and gender, but I’ve never heard of someone bitterly attacked by a progressive simply for being White without having actually expressed a political view or taken an action deemed bigoted (fairly or not.). If there is, as you suggest, hypocrisy among many leftists as between what they claim to believe in and who they actually want to associate with – I’m reminded of proto alt-rightist Joseph Sobran’s quip that White liberals talk like Civil Rights leaders and have the lifestyle habits of Klansmen – surely the expressed idealism, if often breached in practice, at least points to an intellectual awareness of a serious ethic worth striving for?

Isn’t it generally better to fail at being good than not to try at all?

There’s little there I can disagree with, as Atomic_Pope came in a few moments later to note:

“Isn’t it generally better to fail at being good than not to try at all?”

Translation: Isn’t it better to ruin White cities, White schools, White cultures, and White countries than to say no?

For starters, you’re a Jew. You’re not White. You have no magical “right” to tell Whites anything or demand anything from Whites. You’re a foreigner who is attempting to convince White people that it’s better to be a nice, hated, beleaguered minority in your own country than be a mean, hated, beleaguered minority in your own country. This is the same schpeel you used in South Africa after the Whites allowed Litvaks to immigration from the Soviet Union. Within a single generation your people were rallying and organizing Africans against Whites – the founders of South Africa. You’re a co-ethnic of Joe Slovo, the Jew who led chants of “Kill the White Farmer! Kill the Boer!” Those are you people. Those are your values. Those are the values of an irreligious Jew demanding Whites accept “Diversity.”

Whites are going our own way and you’re not White.

And Religionacademic added:

At one time, I was a member of Hellenion and I watched that group get destroyed by an aesthetically-challenged Jewess who was more obsessed with pretending to be a vampire, a Catholic, a Thelemite, a mouth-piece for Apollo and a ceremonial magician, than actually building a viable expression of Hellenic polytheism. Of course, she’s in MA, so this kind of salad bar malarkey is acceptable. When she pretended to become Catholic, she handed control of the group off to her friend, a female-to-male transsexual. She’s still around, of course, and infecting every group she joins with her bizarre Semitic pathology. Hilariously enough, she’s imagined herself as some kind of anti-racist Gestapo as she and her sycophants plot to doxx and takedown anyone who has a difference opinion. The very existence of a site like this is anathema to her. Right now, her ire is directed toward Galina for having the temerity to support the AFA.

Jews have long been disproportionally represented in Civil Rights movements. Simon Yisrael Feuerman describes his childhood as a Rabbi’s son in 1960s Atlanta:

[M]any of the Jewish adults around me identified intensely with and took up the cause of the civil rights movement as if it were our own. Most notably, our cousin Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel famously marched in Selma in 1965. For religious and secular Jews alike, the cause was a moral imperative. Their story, the African-American story, was in some way our story. We knew what it meant to be hated. What’s more, they had their very own Moses, Martin Luther King Jr., a man who quoted and infused life into scripture better than any rabbi I ever knew.

But the fight for civil rights also offered the Jewish community an opportunity. It dovetailed with a deep messianic urge that had been both reborn and transfigured in 20th century America. American Jews had become mesmerized, intoxicated even, by the idea that we no longer had to live life in humiliating passivity waiting for the Messiah. Instead, we, like our black brethren, could become active in ‘forcing the hand of the Messiah’ through overt action and protest. In other words, we could shape our lives with our hands, feet, mouths, and hearts as American blacks did the same. And so we marched with them.

But is that support due to some shadowy plot or to enlightened self-interest?  A quick look at Jewish history shows that Jewish culture has flourished in multicultural, multiethnic areas where they were one minority among many: Nationalist movements have generally sought to remove Jews as an alien influence. (I have some thoughts about the overrepresentation of Jews in various radical movements including Communism, but would rather save those for another post: this one is getting overly lengthy as it is).

As I noted in “Theoeconomics,” Capitalism reduces everything to economic terms, including identity.  By purchasing the right clothes, makeup and music one can become a Goth, a Raver, a Juggalo, a Pagan, a Druid, a Wizard, a Vampire — the possibilities are endless, especially with MasterCard. Religion, once a link between the individual and the community, becomes another peak experience to be purchased for fun, fashion and personal empowerment:  you can be soulmate to a Norse God one minute, then swept off your feet by Kylo Ren the next. 

The “communities” which form around these ideals attract a disproportionate number of power-trippers, attention junkies and general narcissists.  Since everyone is there for what they can get out of it, there’s little incentive to sacrifice for the greater good. Those foolish enough to do so quickly find their resources drained by the idle and entitled.  But I’m not sure how much of this has to do with Judaism or Semitic culture.  If Religionacademic or anybody else could give me some better idea as to what they mean by “Semitic pathology”  I’d be greatly obliged.


3 responses to “The Jewish Question 1a: Letters to, from and about the Hebrews”

  1. Races are not proper nouns, and should not be capitalized.


  2. I guess I am an old friend! 🙂

    Given the nature of this blog, it might be interesting to explore why a disproportionate number of American converts to Eastern Polytheistic and Pagan traditions are Jewish.


  3. […] Our earlier post on the “Jewish Question” took a snarky potshot at a former Lokiswife who recently declared herself married to Force Awakens antagonist Kylo Ren.  Lady Acaciah Ren has cast no aspersions on my beliefs: neither has she asked my opinion on hers. I had no business sticking my nose in her spiritual or emotional affairs and I hope the Rens will accept my mea culpa in the spirit which it is given.  (Cue our new motto: “All Gods, Occasional Apologies.”) […]


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